The Navigator Page

Here are the current navigators, or nav-boxes, for the Insidious Ring of Moriarty. To use any of these, cut and paste the appropriate HTML code onto your page, make the necessary subsitutions for your personal site info, and then save the images and updated webpage to your server. (I know that David previously allowed ring members to simply link to his images, but loading the image is much faster when you have the images saved into your own directory, on your own website.)

***Once the navigator has been pasted on your page, you need to replace each SITE_ID_HERE with your actual Site ID Number, replace each EMAIL_HERE with your actual email address, and replace each NAME_HERE with your name.***

Choose among Navigators 1, 2, 3, and 4, the default version.

Also, if you are savvy with HTML code, you may customize the colors, images, or fonts on the nav-boxes. I have removed all the onMouseOver JavaScript code that does not work on all browsers. Email me if you need assistance.

Navigator 1

<!-- Begin Code for Navigator 1 -->
<center><table border=3 width=266>
<td colspan=3 align=center>
<a href="" target="_top">
<img src="ringlogo.gif" width="266" height="32" alt="Insidious Ring of Moriarty" border="0"></a>
<td colspan=3 align=center>
<a href=";ring=Moriarty;id=SITE_ID_HERE;next" target="_top">
<img src="bakerst.jpg" width="266" height="133" alt="Baker Street" border=0></a>
<td align=center>
<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;prev" target="_top"
<img src="ringprev.gif" width="70" height="70" alt="Previous Site" border=0></a>
<td align=center>
<a href=";ring=Moriarty" target="_top">
<img src="ringrandom.gif" width="80" height="110" alt="Random Site" border=0></a>
<td align=center>
<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;next" target="_top">
<img src="ringnext.gif" width="70" height="70" alt="Next Site" border=0></a>
<td align=center colspan=3>
<font size=2 color=blue>
|<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;prev5" target="_top">Prev 5 Sites</a>
|<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;skip" target="_top">Skip Next Site</a>
|<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;next5" target="_top">Next 5 Sites</a>|

<!--End Code for Navigator 1 -->
Insidious Ring of Moriarty
Baker Street
Previous Site Random Site Next Site
|Prev 5 Sites |Skip Next Site |Next 5 Sites|

Navigator 2

These images are transparent, allowing a background color or image to show through.

<!-- Begin Code for Navigator 2 -->

<table border=3>
<td align=center>
<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;prev" target="_top">
<img src="previous2.gif" border=0 alt="Previous Site"></a>
<td align=center rowspan=2>
<a href="" target="_top">
<img src="ringlogo2.gif" border=0 alt="Insidious Ring of Moriarty"></a>
<td align=center>
<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;next" target="_top">
<img src="Next2.gif" border=0 alt="Next Site"></a>
<td align=center>
<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;prev5" target="_top">
<img src="prev5.gif" border=0 alt="Previous 5 Sites"></a>
<td align=center>
<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;next5" target="_top">
<img src="next5.gif" border=0 alt="Next 5 Sites"></a>

<!--End Code for Navigator2 -->
Previous Site Insidious Ring of Moriarty Next Site
Previous 5 Sites Next 5 Sites

Navigator 3

(This Navigator was thought up by Lee Shackleford)

Note: the coordinating link colors chosen for this nav-box must be applied in the <BODY> tag (which is NOT within this provided cut-n-paste HTML code), rather than being applied directly through the TABLE, and such link colors will affect your entire HTML page. So be wary of using this nav-box if you don't know how to find and change your <BODY> tag. The problem can be solved in two ways--1) make your entire page coordinate with the nav-box link colors, or 2) change the colors on the nav-box to something more compatible with your page. You are free to ask me for personal help in doing either of these options.

<!--Begin Code for Navigator3 -->

<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;prev" target="_top">
<IMG SRC="moriar-l.gif" align="left" border="0" alt="Previous Site"></a>
<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;next" target="_top">
<IMG SRC="moriar-r.gif" align="right" border="0" alt="Next Site"></a>
<FONT Size=2 color="white">This <a href="moriarty.html" target="_top">Insidious Ring of Moriarty</a><br>
 site is owned by <br>
<a href="mailto:EMAIL_HERE"><font face=helvetica SIZE="2">NAME_HERE</font></a>.
<p>Want to join the <A HREF="moriarty.html" target="_top">
Insidious Ring of Moriarty</A>?</p></FONT>
<FONT Size=3 color="white">
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|<a href=";list" target="_top">List</a>|

<!-- End Code For Navigator3 -->

This Navigator was thought up by Lee Shackleford

Previous Site Next Site This Insidious Ring of Moriarty
site is owned by

Want to join the Insidious Ring of Moriarty?

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Navigator 4

This is the standard, default code that everyone in the ring has received in the original email, before the new Yahoo! system went into place.

<!-- Begin Code for Navigator 4 -->

<a href=";id=1;prev" target="_top">
<img src="holmesprev.gif" align="left" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=110 ALT="Previous Site"
<a href=";id=1;next" target="_top">
<img src="holmesnext2.gif" align="right" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=110 ALT="Next Site"
<FONT Size=2>This <a href=""
 target="_top">Insidious Ring of Moriarty</a> site is owned by <BR>
<a href="mailto:EMAIL_HERE">NAME_HERE</a>.
<p>Want to join the
<A HREF="" target="_top">
Insidious Ring of Moriarty</A>?;</FONT>
<FONT Size=3>
|<a href=";id=1;prev5" target="_top">Previous 5</a>
|<a href=";id=1;prev" target="_top">Prev</a>
|<a href=";id=1;next" target="_top">Next</a>
|<a href=";id=1;skip" target="_top">Skip Next</a>
|<a href=";ring=Moriarty"target="_top">Random</a>
|<a href=";id=1;next5" target="_top">Next 5</a>
|<a href=";list" target="_top">List</a>|

<!-- End Code Navigator 4 -->

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All the images and designs here were originally made by David. The only adjustment I made to these designs was to resize the images in navigators 1 and 4. I also changed the HTML code to show my site rather than David's defunct one. Finally, I noticed that David had inadvertently left off some vital HTML tags, or had miscoded some items, such as giving images WIDTH and LENGTH attributes, when HTML only recognizes WIDTH and HEIGHT. I corrected these problems. If something malfunctions or I missed something major, please bring it to my immediate attention.

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